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China 2009 Eclipse Page

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Well the skies did not magically clear as they did in Russia, but we did not get skunked either.

This was the view when we arrived at the site about 7 AM.  The eclipse was supposed to begin in about 1.5 hours.  For more see the page on eclipse day (7-22) below.

Since I did not get any photos of the sun beyond the above that are worth sharing, this will mostly be a travellog.  That is fine.  I visited China in 1987 and one of the goals of this trip was to see how China had changed. I will tell this story using a small subset of the 750+ pictures and 30+ minutes of video I took. 

Please refer to the below for photos and videos from particular days of the trip


Creative Commons License
The China 2009 pages by Robert J. Hawley are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. This permits the non commercial use of the material on this site, either in whole or in part, in other works provided that I am credited for the work and you apply this or similar license to the result. Some of the included works bear a similar copyright. Contact Me.

rjh 8/1/09